With the return of colder weather, I have been putting out food for the birds
It's always fun to see what the seeds and fat balls attract and not surprisingly the majority of the birds are robins, coal tits, great tits and pigeons. The garden also regularly attracts a pair of magpies but that doesn't seem to be dependent on the food.
However, one day last week the garden was very busy, and it was clearly not just the normal 'flock. It turned out that my visitors included...
Thinking more about this whole feeding things I realised that it was a pleasure on many levels. It’s always nice to see some wildlife so close to home, and the less frequent visitors somehow are even more special.
Putting the food out and seeing it eaten is something that makes me feel good too. I’m pretty sure that the birds would find something else, somewhere else, but it does feel like I’m ‘doing my bit’.
The only downside i can think of is that the food isn't 'tuppence a bag'