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The changing seasons from blue to white

Writer: gileslurygileslury

I would be the first to admit that the main draws of the Lake for me are the birds and the general sense of well-being I get from my visits. However there are lots of other attractions from butterflies to the landscape itself (more of which later).

However the flora is something else I take note of and I think about the passage of time in terms of what I think are the dominant colours (other than green) and on my walk this week I got to thinking about how we are in transition from blue season to white.

The bluebells are about done and the forget me nots are dying down but white is coming to the fore including hawthorn and pussy willows.

There are also gulls, lots of lots of them and quite a few terns.

There seem to be lots of swans too but my mind may be exaggerating how many as i probably started to look for white things

The white chests of the grebes still catch my eyes and lens too

I may however be speaking too soon as the wonderful yellow irises are just starting to open and it will soon be yellow season.

It seems to be quite quiet in terms of birds – well maybe not quiet as my recent walks have been full of birdsong. Spotting the ‘singer’ is another thing but I have seen a few.

I managed to see and capture a Reed warbler

and a shot that tells you what blackcaps enjoy eating at this time of year

And to fit with the end of blue season a jay

Finally as mentioned earlier I also took some landscape shots this week - I made a quick visit one evening and captured some moody pictures in the descending dusk



Giles 2021.jpg

About Me

I often describe myself as a Lego watch wearing, VW Beetle driving, Disney loving father of five but perhaps i should add that I'm a Canon using distinctly amateur photographer and occasional writer 


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